Copy files from the server to your pc
You need ssh access, view this post to do that:
The command to scp from server to your computer
1 | sudo scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@server:A B |
1 | sudo scp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@server:/the/filepath/on/server/**/* /filepath/of/computer |
/**/* refers to all files and subfolders
Copy files from your pc to the server
The normal way to scp, where you copy files from your computer to the server
1 | scp -r A user@server:B |
1 | scp -r /path/on/your/computer/ user@server:/path/to/server/destination |
-r means recursive (so all files and sub folders)
You can use wildcards to match with a file extension
1 | eg *.php |
That will copy all php files only.